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BackHeat transfer
Radiation from the Fuelbed
According to Fig.4.10, it can be stated that the temperature of the fuelbed is about 900 K when the excess-air factor is between 1 and 2. In order to calculate the radiative energy transfer from the fuelbed to the pan, we assume that the gases and flames between the pan and fuelbed do not absorb or emit any radiation. The view factor F between fuelbed and pan is equal to the view factor of two concentric parallel disks and can be found in many textbooks (see, for example, Sparrow and Cess 1970). In order to check the estimated temperatures of the fuelbed and thus the radiative hat transfer to the pan, experiments were done by Herwijn with a radiative heat flux meter above a woodfire. The estimates of the fuelbed temperatures and the measured temperatures are presented in Table 5.1. The experimental results are obtained for a fire on a grate. The power density of the fire is 18 W/cm". In order to simulate a steady fire, the wood is added in small blocks. With such a procedure almost no distinction can be made between the burning of volatiles and charcoal. The temperatures are calculated from the measurements according to the following formula:
Here In general, the measurements and estimated temperatures compare well. Although the measured temperatures with eccentric displacement of the meter are lower compared to the temperatures with a concentric situation, the deviation is within 15%.
Using the above information we obtain the results for the radiant heat
transfer to the whole pan as shown in Table 2. The calculations are based
on a pan of 100 ° and the measured fuelbed temperatures
calculated form Eq.(1). The view factor is taken for a pan of 28-cm
diameter placed 15 cm above the fuelbed. The diameter of the fuelbed varies
with the power of the fire such that the power density is constant at 18
If we compare this to the efficiency achieved through common practice in developing countries - an open-fire efficiency between 10 and 15% - it can be stated improved stoves can only show a higher efficiency due to optimal use of the convective heat transfer. Radiation from the Flames
One of the factors that determines the radiation from the flames is the emissivity. The total emissivity of the flames is a superposition of the contribution from the soot particles and the gases. Emission of the soot particles
The emissivity of the soot particles is dependent on two quantities, the
flame height and the volume fraction of the soot particles in the flames.
When using an open fire, it is common observation that soot will deposit on
the cold pan. From experiments it appears that on the average about 5 g of
soot deposits on the pan when burning 1 kg of wood. With an excess-air
factor 3 we find a volume fraction for the soot particles of about 2.10 Using the work of Felske and Tien (1973) to calculate the emissivity of the soot we find a value between 0.025 and 0.036 for a fire power between 3 and 8 kW. Emissivity of the gases
Of the gases commonly present in a fire, only
Hottel (1954) presents graphs from which the emissivity of the carbon
dioxide and the water vapor can be determined. Hottel also gives a method to
determine the mean beam length, depending on the volume, to be used with the
graphs. For our calculations we assume that the reference volume is a
circular cylinder with a radius equal to the radius of the flames at their
tips. The emissivity for the total gas radiation is listed in Table 3 as a
function of the power of the fire. In this table also the emissivity of the
soot particles is given.
The total emissivity of the flames
In order to calculate the total emissivity of the flames one has to
determine the effect of mutual absorption of the radiation from the gases
and soot. Tien et al. (1972) give a simple formula to calculate the total
In Table 3 the total emissivity is listed; also the total luminous
radiative power ![]()
where ![]() Fig.1. Gas temperatures for losses due to the radiation from flames
In experimental work the part of the flame radiation detected by the
radiative heat flux meter has to be estimated in order to check whether a
correction should be applied for this contribution. For this correction we
consider the source of the flame radiation to be circular, with equal power
in the total column and the same diameter. This source is placed in the
middle between fuelbed and meter. The part of the flame radiation impinging
on the radiation meter is determined by the view factor. Because this view
factor is for the given situation, of the order of 10 The contribution of the flame radiation to the heat transfer to the pan can be estimated in the same way. In this situation the view factor is 0.4, which means that due to flame radiation 3% of the total power impinges on the pan bottom. Convective Heat Transfer to the Pan
Three factors determine the convective heat transfer to the pan on an open fire in a wind-free environment:
The efficiency of the heat transfer process can be defined in terms of ![]() Fig.2. Among power level, distance between pan bottom and fuel bed and pan geometry
In order to make an estimate of the convective heat transfer from the hot
gases to the pan one has to know the temperature of the combustion gases as
well as the convective heat transfer coefficient. In general, the convective
heat transfer
When we observe an impinging jet on a flat plate held normal to the jet, we
see a stagnation point region along the line of symmetry where the boundary
layer is expected to have constant thickness. Of course, this may not be
true in the presence of combustion. Beyond this region, over the outer half
of the pan bottom, the flow could be treated as an axisymmetric wall jet. At
the pan corner the gases turn again over an angle of
![]() Fig.3. es under and along a pan for which a heat balance has to be drawn
In words this means that the difference in energy content of the gas leaving
a region (
Flow field
A schematic view of the fuelbed-flame-pan configuration is shown in Fig. 4 . The figure indicates the four regions of interest;
![]() Fig.4. w of fuelbed-flame-pan configuration
Available literature on modelling flow characteristics of impinging jets
uses the diameter of the nozzle exit ( Bussmann assumed that the stagnation point flow regime covers
In this region it is also assumed that no ambient air is entrained. This
assumption is based on the work of Era and Saima (1976) who investigated the
flow characteristics of an axisymmetric wall jet created by gases issuing
from a nozzle and impinging on a flat plate held close to the nozzle tip. In
the axisymmetric wall region there is an increase in the mass flow rate due
to entrainment of air from the ambient and is estimated from the
semi-empirical relation (Hertel 1962)
The flow field at the pan corner is difficult to describe. Thus Bussmann assumed that no air entrains at the corner and the flow develops into a two-dimensional wall jet as soon as it comes into contact with the pan side. Temperature
The next step in the model is to estimate the temperatures prevailing in the different flow regions described above. The stagnation point region is divided into two regions.
The temperature in this region is evaluated from a simple heat balance
The heat balance provides temperature as a function of radius and accounts
for heat loss from the gas stream to the pan.
The temperature in the axial wall jet region
The first term on the right represents the heat absorbed by the pan. The second term comes in two parts both associated with the entrainment of outside air. The first part simply accounts for the heat content of the entrained gases. The second part accounts for the heat liberation by combustion. Note that this term was absent in the stagnation point region. This is primarily due to the manner in which the flame model was implemented. That model is always computed on the basis of a chosen amount of excess air factor at every height. Since there is no additional air entrained in the stagnation region our flame model will not yield any heat release. The inclusion of heat release in this region is also questionable in the sense it is outside the calculation possibility of our flame model since it is only one-dimensional (that is, heat release occurs only as a function of height in the flame model; in the region below the pan the height is constant). Thus both cases - with and without combustion - was investigated by Bussmann. There is yet another consideration - volatiles coming out of the fuel bed should not all have been consumed before the gases arrive at the pan. Thus
Heat transfer Coefficients
In order to evaluate the various temperatures above and to estimate the total heat transfer to the pan, we need to know the heat transfer coefficients. These are the same as the ones used in Bussmann et al (1983) and reproduced here.
Results and discussion
We will now present the results obtained from the above analysis. Fig. 5 presents the results of gas temperatures under the pan as a function of the radial distance.The three pairs of solid and dashed curves correspond to temperatures obtained for three distances between fuelbed and pan bottom - 0.1, 0.15 and 0.2m. ![]() Fig.5. Distribution in the gas under the pan for different pan-fuelbed disaxial wall jet without combustion in axial wall jet
The pan radius for these calculations is 0.14m. The solid and dotted lines
denote respectively the cases with and without combustion being considered
in the axial wall jet. The discontinuity at Figure 6 presents the average heat transfer coefficients over the entire pan as a function of pan-grate distance. These were computed on the basis of an average temperature difference between the gas and the pan. The figure shows an increasing heat transfer coefficient with increasing pan-grate distance. The experimental results of Herwijn on the contrary show a rather constant value. The difference must be attributed to the conditions for which the relations (5.28) - (5.30) were derived. For example the Schlunder - Gnielinski formula was derived for a turbulent jet with a distance between the nozzle and the plate being between the nozzle diameter and 12 times the value. The Reynolds numbers in the fires of interest here can be much smaller and the flow is probably not laminar but cannot be fully developed turbulent either. ![]() fig. 6. Coefficient at the pan bottom as a function pan to fuelbed distance. What is more the distance between the grate and pan bottom corresponds to the lower end of the limit prescribed by Schlunder and Gnielinski. Thus in calculating efficiencies a constant value of the heat transfer coefficient is adopted, but it will be varied parametrically.
The next three figures (7 - 10) show some of the more significant
results obtained from the heat transfer calculation procedure presented
above. Fig.7 presents efficiency as a function of the pan-fuelbed
distance for three values of heat transfer coefficients, namely, 5, 10 and
The solid lines give the efficiencies obtained by including combustion in
the axial wall jet region while the dotted line shows the result without
combustion for the case with heat transfer coefficient of
The next figure (Fig.8) compares the efficiencies obtained from
experiments carried out with different wood species and the theoretical
results. In the experiments the nominal power for definition;
also the next section) was held constant.
![]() Fig.7.A function of pan-fuelbed distance. The points are from experiment the dotted line is without combustion for h = 10W/m2K. ![]() Fig.8.a function of the power of the fire. Points are experimental results with different wood species. However corrections have been introduced in the calculated efficiencies for the measured differences in the averaged peak power. For this reason the results are shown in terms of power output. The calculations have all been performed by assuming a uniform fuelbed thickness of 50mm. It is seen that calculated values are in good agreement with the experiments. The somewhat larger deviations from theory seen for species 2 and 3 must be attributed to the inevitable variations in the fuel bed thickness in the experiments (see next section). Finally Fig.9 shows a break-up of efficiency in terms of heat transfer by radiation and convection as reported by Krishna Prasad et al. (1985). The convective heat transfer is further divided into heat transfer to the bottom of the pan and the pan side. The heat transfer to the pan bottom above an open fire was measured with a heat flow meter by Herwijn (1984). This meter was placed such that the detecting surface lies in the plane of the pan bottom. The heat flow meter measures the radiant as well as the convective heat flux to the surface. Tests were performed for two powers of the fire, 6 and 8.7 kW; two distances between pan and fuelbed, 10 and 15 cm; and two eccentricities of the heat flow meter in the pan, 0 and 8 cm (the pan was always placed concentric with the fire). Table 5.4 gives a more detailed presentation of the measurements. The radiative contribution to the heat transfer found earlier can be subtracted from the total measured heat transfer. This gives an estimate of the convective heat transfer. These values are also listed in the table. The total, radiative, and convective heat transfer are related to the power of the fire in order to get the efficiency contribution of the various terms. The efficiency obtained for the convective contribution is obtained as before by dividing the pan bottom into two regions: the stagnation point region and the axisymmetric wall jet region. The radius of the boundary between the two regions is taken to be equal to the plume diameter calculated in the flame height model. ![]() Fig.9. Efficiencies according to heat transfer by radiation and convection. Points are from experiments of Herwijn (1984)
In Fig. 9 the estimated efficiencies for a 6-kW fire are shown. Although
the measured radiative contribution agrees well with the model, as already
was shown in Table 2, the convective contribution to the pan bottom does
not agree at all. The main reason for this disagreement is the assumption
that the combustion stops at the pan height. This has been corrected in the
work of Bussmann.
The point about this earlier work is it clearly establishes the relative importance of radiative and convective heat transfer to the pan. At the low height the radiative heat transfer contributes as much as one-third of the total heat input to the pan. At larger heights the importance of radiation goes down, A second point of importance that emerges from this figure is the fact that the convective heat transfer to the bottom and side of the pan are of equal orders of magnitude. Thus many a multi-pan improved stove with a chimney do not provide for heat transfer to the pan sides. Of course they do provide additional heat transfer surface by adding more pans. But that makes the stove bulky. Hence it is important to clearly delineate the merits of such stoves in comparison to single pan stoves that provide for adequate heat transfer surface. total stove system |