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BackACKNOWLEDGEMENTSThe work of WSG was for all practical purposes completely supported in the period 1980-1987 by the Directorate General for International Cooperation (DGIS), Ministry of Foreign Affairs, The Netherlands Government. In particular our thanks are due to Joan Boer and Willem Floor of the Ministry for their enthusiastic support of the work described in this site. Lot of field work was supported by the ESMAP, World Bank. Additional support by organizations such as ILO (Geneva), FAO (Rome), UNIDO (Vienna) was received to carry out different facets of the work of the Group. The following people were involved in carrying out the work of the project. Eindhoven University of Technology Faculty of Applied Physics K.Krishna Prasad C.Nieuwvelt P.Bussmann N.Sielcken E.Sangen P.Visser E. van der Steen E.Schutte E.Moerman Faculty of Mechanical Engineering P.Verhaart TNO, Apeldoorn J.Claus P.Nievergeld W.Sulilatu D.J.van der Heeden C.E.Krist-Spit Catholic University, Leuven G.DeLepeliere A principal merit of being located in a University is the ready availability of enthusiastic young talent. Literally dozens of students from Eindhoven as well as other institutions in The Netherlands elsewhere worked on different aspects of the problem. The best way to thank them is to include a bibliography of their 'stage' (internship) reports, and 'afstudeer' (graduation) reports. In addition the bibliography also carries the list of reports of WSG, reports on contract work for other organizations (also an expression of thanks to the diverse organizations that sponsored these activities), presentations at Conferences, Seminars, Workshops and Courses and finally publications in the open literature. The material in the website has drawn heavily from the following principal publications of the group. A Woodstove Compendium by G.De Lepeliere, K.Krishna Prasad, P.Verhhart and P.Visser, Prepared for the technical panel on the UN Conference on New and Renewable Sources of Energy, Nairobi. 1981 Woodburning stoves: Their technolgy, economics and deployment by K.Krishna Prasad. Working Paper for the World Employment Programme Research, International Labour Office, Geneva, 1983. Wood Heat for Cooking. Edited by K.Krishna Prasad and P.Verhaart, Indian Academy of Sciences, Bangalore. Woodburning Cookstoves by K.Krishna Prasad, E.Sangen and P.Visser, Advances in Heat Transfer, Vol. 117, pp 159-317. Academic Press, Inc., New York, 1985. Woodstoves: Theory and Applications in Developing Countries by P.Bussmann,. Ph.D.Thesis, Faculty of Applied Physics, Eindhoven University of Technology, 1988. A first attempt to bring together the diverse material from the group's work was carried out by K.Krishna Prasad in 1991 while he was on a Visiting Assignment at The Jawaharlal Nehru Centre for Advanced Scientific Research on the Campus of the Indian Institute of Science, Bangalore at the instance of Prof.R.Narasimha. |